
Woman who has a set pattern experiencing irregular bleeding

Q: A ladies haidh pattern:

May - 8 days

June - 8 days

July - She had a ghusl on 9th day but bled on 11 and 13th day. So she took the extra day as istihaaza and followed the previous months habit and made qadha of one day salaah.

August - She had ghusl on 9th day and again she bled just over 10 days.

September - She bled just over 10 days. How would she regard her habit and because she is going over 10 days, must she take her habit as 8 days and continue making qadha every month.

Woman's haidh pattern changing

Q: A woman's haidh generally lasts for 7 days. However, last month, her haidh was for the full 10 days.

1. In this month, if she stopped bleeding after 7 days, is it permissible for her to have relations with her husband?

2. During haidh, what part of the wife's body can the husband take enjoyment from ?