
Fear to speak to one's parents regarding nikaah

Q: I am 25 (male) from a well-off family and presently pursuing PhD in earth sciences with a decent fellowship but you know the environment here at the university not very pious (there is co-education in the university) and one finds it very difficult to control his emotions. Nikkah seems to be the best solution to prevent oneself in such a dirty environment but the problem is that I am not able to communicate the same to my parents. Now I request you you if you could spent some moments of your precious time to suggest me how to approach my parents for the same. I am ready to marry any girl from any nationality unless she is a pious and practicing Muslim.

Being of service to one's elders

Q: I dreamt that I was on a journey. I already travelled and was waiting for the next connection. My mother appeared next to where I was. She was sitting and wanted to vomit. I told her to vomit into a paper type of packet. She did. I went out to dispose of it. When I opened the bin it was deep and there was a very small dead baby inside. I quickly closed it. I then threw in into a car type bin that opened from the windscreen side of the bonnet. Can Mufti Saheb please interpret.