

Q: I am having some confusion about tajweed. Some queries are such that they are best asked in person but having no other choice I have to ask them through email.

1. The makhraj of each Arabic alphabet is different. To what degree do we have to emphasize one each letter while reciting the Quran in Salaah in order to make sure salah is valid?Honestly speaking, I think there will be few people in the Muslim world (including ulama) who can actually pronounce each alphabet in such a way that it can be differentiated.For example, the difference between ص and س, and the subtle difference between ز and ظ etc.

2. The letter ض is very difficult to pronounce correctly.The Arabs pronounce it such that it sounds similar to د. On the other hand, there is actually a difference amongst Indo-pak ulama with regards to ض. Some pronounce it similar to د while others make it sound like ز. In fact , I have read two fatwas of Deobandi Muftiyaan where it is written that the makhraj of ض is closer to ز rather than د. Please clarify this matter.

Improving one's recitation of the Qur'an

Q: I am slowly learning tajweed and when I read the Qur'aan, I feel that where I need to pull the word for a few seconds and I don't pull long enough, or pull too long then I feel that I have to reread the word, or if I don't recite a word properly with tajweed or if I feel that I didn't read a word with tajweed then I have to reread the word. Sometime I feel that it is Shaytaan that is trying to confuse me and frustrate me. So I wanted to know that if I don't pull a word for the correct time or if I don't read a word with the correct tajweed then is it necessary to reread the word?