pleasing one's husband

Pleasing one's husband

Q: I just want advice regarding my husband. Don't know what to do. When I go out with him even when I smile at a cousin brother, he gets annoyed and tells me I am committing a sin by smiling at men. Please advise me what is right and wrong.

Pleasing one's husband

Q: Please advice are these Ahaadith authentic? Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said when making love, do not walk away until you taste her water and she also tastes your water. Meaning you both reach orgasm. Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, when a wife engages in something or beautifies herself to attract her husband, inviting him to bed shall be given 10 rewards, 10 sins wiped and her daraja will be raised.