
Women cutting their hair

Q: If there is an aalimah and she is persistant on the fact she wants to trim her hair. She wants to do such because she she claims it will grow back healthier and complains of it getting stuck in her buttocks and tying her hair gives a headache she wants to cut it about to to 3/4 of the back. I have told her that Aalimahs should be guides and refrain from cutting and trimming her hair. What shall I say to her and if she does so what should my attitude be towards her?

Marrying someone who watches TV

Q: If an Aalimah who wears full niqab and does not intermingle with men or watch tv movies etc. gets a proposal from a doctor whos a hafiz, which means he probably does khalwat with women and he watches football, would you even tell the Aalimah to consider him? He is praised for his akhlaaq. He also visits a female dentist.

Should the Aalimah even consider him. She has hope of doing amr bil maroof but fears marriage problems thereafter. Her grandfather (Allah enlighten his qabr) was a Shaikhul Hadeeth.

Teaching girls at home

Q: I have a fourteen year old daughter. Does Mufti saheb advise me to send her for Aalima classes (day classes) or should I teach her at home. If so, what kitaabs can I teach her? I feel the aalima classes have become such that if one's daughter is not going to school, she still has to be 'studying' something. If you tell people your daughter is at home, it's like a disgrace. Please advise.

Leaving university and doing Aalimah course

Q: I am 19 years of age. I started University in 2014, which I didn't really enjoy much because I don't know why but I had a strong feeling to study Aalimah course. I know this is hidayat from Allah Ta'ala. I cried and cried because I wanted to study Alimah instead of university, however it was too late as it was October time. I didn't know what to do and I really wanted to do Aalimah course, so I started tajweed course Alhamdulillah. Due to not having much interest in my university studies, I failed my course. I prayed to Allah to accept me back to University but unfortunately I didn't receive the place. I prayed to Almighty to please gain me a place, and I was very very upset. Slowly I started to realise that everything happens for a reason, and now I have no objections to my creator, but sometimes I feel guilt to myself that I could have tried harder at University, but then I feel maybe my Allah wrote it that way. I can't stop my tears falling in sujood and sometimes wonder why all this happened to me, but then I pray to Allah and I have a beautiful feeling that one day Allah will reveal everything which I have gone through. Currently, I attend tajweed class. I am so happy because I have become a much more pious girl, and I never imagined that I would attend tajweed classes and become so devoted to Allah Ta'ala. I know I only do tajweed classes at the moment, but I'm happy this way. I do feel I could have started Aalimah this year but Insha Allah if Allah has written it I will. However I feel like I am studying Aalimah course by doing tajweed course. I always wanted to go uni, but I don't know what happened at uni - I just hated it and felt like it's not for me. Maybe Allah is testing me right now, and I do pray Insha Allah, Allah might give me a place at Uni again, and I have put everything in Allah's hand so I know he will take care of me and do what's best for me Insha Allah. Please can you suggest me what I could do? I am definitely going to carry on with my tajweed course. I am worried because I am still 19 and I haven't yet started my career. I never thought it will go this way.