
Talaaq in haidh and reconciling after talaaq

Q: If a husband gives one talaq over the phone saying "I give you talaq in presence of 2 witnesses" and the wife was in menstruation. Does this talaq take place and what is the time to reconcile as she is far away and her husband is not willing to talk. Some say within 40 days or else the talaq takes place. Is this true? This incident happened on August 7. She cant go back to the country anytime before September 10 or so. Also make dua for this couple that Allah Ta'ala reunite them and keep them with aafyiat. This whole thing happened due to a huge misunderstanding and argument.

Husband and wife re-marrying after the iddah period

Q: Me and my husband are separated due to him saying talaak to me in anger. He has been trying to take me back since I came back to my family but they are against it. After a lot of explaining, they have now agreed but it has taken me three months meaning three menstrual cycles have been completed. Is my iddah period over? How should we go about it? Can we still get back together?

Reconciling after two talaaqs

Q: Please assist me. I have been married for 9 years now but my husband left me for 2 years since June 2015 and has now decided to come back to me.

We were married for a couple of months when we had a huge argument and he issued me with two Talaaq notifications. To tell the truth I did'nt hear the Talaaq notification but my mom did. She was shocked and she then told me that he issued me with two Talaaq notifications. We continued to stay together like a normal married couple until May 2015 when I requested him to leave cause he was not working and he did not want to find a job and contribute to our living expenses. He has now advised me that he has a bakery that he is managing and he would like us to reconcile.

Please Mufti will you advise me on what needs to be done from an Islamic point of view. What is required from me. Do I need to observe Idatt cause I didn't think it was necessary as we stayed together even after he mentioned Talaaq twice. Your advise will be highly appreciated