new house

Reciting Qur'an in Salaah at home

Q: While reading through your fatwas I came across one topic that has drawn my attentions. The fatwa was about "Moving into a new home". At the end part of the article there was a statement which read as follows:-"Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (Radhiyallahu Anhu) has reported that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "A deserted house is one in which the Holy Qur'an is not recited."" I just wanted to know that, whether reading Namaz can be considered as recitation of Quran, as we read verses of the Holy Qur'an while performing salat itself?

Wife desirous of moving near her sister due to loneliness

Q: We live in one area.. I have grown up and stayed all my life there.. My parents are nearby.. My friends.. Masjid where I offer my salats.. My wife says she is all alone the whole day and got no company.. It's not that she isn't provided with a shelter or security.. Now she wants to move to a place in an area where her sister's resides... She is pressurising the husband to let go of the current residence and move to the area where her sister's stay... Not that where we are currently staying is a bad place or the husband is denying her shelter.. And she is doing all this under the pretext that it's her right as a wife and I should comply... Is this jayaz permissible or has the husband got a right to give in to her demands..