Jumuah Salaah

Musaafirs performing Zuhr Salaah individually instead of performing Jumuah Salaah

Q: If a couple of people are musaafirs in a city and decide to perform Zuhr Salaah in their hotel rather than go for jumuah, is it then:

(a) Best for them to pray zuhr salaah individually rather than making a jamaat OR

(b) Obligatory for them to pray zuhr salaah individually rather than making a jamaat OR

(c) Best for them to make a jamaat for zuhr salaah?

Performing jumuah salaah with the intention of nafl and thereafter leading the jumuah salaah elswhere

Q: Omar participated in Jummah khutbah and prayed Jummah Salah behind a Imam with the intention of nafl in masjid A and then delvired a khutbah and lead Jummah Salah on the same day in another masjid B, is the Jummah Salah of Omar and the congregation in masjid B valid and is this permissible?