
Problems with one's sister in law

Q: I am mother of 3 little kids and I am working very hard. My hubby is not working because he is addicted to drugs. He can’t even help me. I am staying with my in laws and one of brother in laws is in house. We living in a 5 bedroom house. My 3 sister in laws are married and they are all loaded. They come few times weekly and I don’t mine at all. But one of my sisters in law keeps telling me to move out and she keeps saying that I am not allowed to stay in the house where there is a ghair mahrum (which is my last my brother in law). I told her that I dont have anywhere to go. She keeps saying that I must buy a house on mortgage and move. She also tells this to my in laws and they remain quiet not saying anything to me or her. I told her that if, in Islam, it is not right to stay in the same house with a brother in law then how is it correct to take out a mortgage loan? Isn’t this dealing in interest? Then she didn’t say anything.

Then she came again and said to me that my kids are growing up and they are sharing a room which is not permissible (2 boys who are 13 and 8 and a little daughter who is 6). I told her that I don’t have anything and my hubby is not working either and not saving. I am working to feed the kids and pay their school fees and covering all the expenses. She started a fight but my in laws never say anything to her.

She always abuses me mentally and emotionaly but they dont ever say anything to her. My hubby doesnt even take my side because he is always drugged. She started calling me an animal and this and that. I stayed with my in laws for 14 years and never be a problem with them but my brother in law and sister in law always fight with me and abuse me but they always right and I am wrong. They all on one side and I am alone with my 3 little kids.

I moved out of the house with my kids and hubby never helped me with anything. She is brain washing all of them and I am going through a very hard time to live with 3 kids as a single mum. Is that right the way they are treating me. Now they all happy and I am really sad. Allah Ta'ala knows that we dont have everything and the kids are even missing their grandparents since I was working and they were looking after them. Make duaa for me and kids.

Father ill-treating mother

Q: I'm female and married. Right now I'm passing through difficult times and this is between my parents. My father is not speaking to my mother and this happens every six months on such small things. I have 2 younger sisters. We never interrupted between them fearing that they might get separated.  He is not staying with them and threatening my mother that he can marry any women if he can.

Inheritance disputes

Q: I have 2 uncles. They both are siblings. But they both hate each other and fought each other because of house issue. After the death of their father they want house to be their own. I can't see relations getting broken like this. Please suggest me how should I make them together again?

Avoiding quarrels and disputes

Q: I'm in a partnership with my cousin and I wish to exit the partnership. Is it possible for me to go into the same type of business. We have a verbal agreement that neither of us will do the same trade during or after the partnership. Please clarify whether this agreement complies with Shari'ah.

Both disputing parties not having any evidence

Q: My elder sister because of no children she was living with me instead of her husband since last about 45 years. She went entitled to draw pension amount of his husband after his death since last 05 years. In July 2015 she got Mouth Cancer and for proper treatment I brought her from Village to Karachi (Pakistan) city. To share the expenses she handed over me her Pension Book. To draw the pension from Village Post Office I handed over that Book to my relative Mr ZAID's family and told them to draw the pension on monthly basis and please enter in a separate note book to keep the record. I may ask to send me or whenever I shall visit the village I may collect the same from you. In March 2016 my elder sister passed away. After her death Mr ZAID informed me that I have donated all the amount to a village Mosque Trust. I asked him that why he did so without my permission as the amount belonged to me. He said that your late sister during her life has instructed me to do so. Mufti Sahab after all this, a few questions are in my mind please guide me in this regard.

1. How should I trust ZAID's statement because he failed to inform me about my sister's Instruction for donation of this amount during her life to confirm the same from my elder sister which is impossible after her death?

2. Whether Mr ZAID was entitled to utilize that amount which was left amaanat with her family. In my opinion he is khaain. Is it correct?

3. Whether my late sister was allowed to instruct about that amount which she has already handed over to me and allowed me to utilize that amount?