
Keeping the qada fasts of another person

Q: My mother, 58, is diabetic and a high bp patient. Contrary to the doctors advice, she observes the Ramadan fasts, alhamdulilah. However, in her young days, she casually skipped many fasts and accordig to her estimation she has skipped around 200 fasts. Given her present condition (Allah bless her with health and life) she might not be able to makeup for those fasts herself in her life.

I know that a son can observe/makeup fast for their parents after their death. Can I observe those missed fasts for her in her life too? If yes then can I now make niyat for my past nafal fasts to make up for her numbers? If initially its a no then would paying only fidya be enough for making up? Please guide on this matter.

Fidyah for missed fasts

Q: Should fidyah (penalty for not fasting) be paid on behalf of a dead person who didn't fast for many years? If yes then what is the ruling of the number of years she didn't fast is not known? Detail of question is that my mother didn't fast for an unknown number of years due to negligence and because she was disabled to some extent for a long time but she was able to fast in that condition.

Giving fidyah on behalf of one's deceased mother

Q: My mother passed away a couple of months aga. She did not fast for many years because she was disabled from 20 years and also because of negligence. My question is, does fidyah have to be given for the missed fasts of the deceased, even though the years she did not fast is unknown.

My second question is what is the amount of fidyah to be paid for not keeping one fast.

Unpaid zakaat of the deceased and fidyah for the missed Salaahs and Fasts

Q: I am required to pay the religious liabilities and obligations of my deceased father . I am unsure about the various categories of the obligations for e.g. unperformed Salaah, zakat , unkept fast. I wish to settle the amount up to a maximum of 1/3 of the estate but I am unsure how to categorize the payment . How is the obligation defined/ categorised?

Non-heir discharging the fidya for the missed Salaahs of the deceased

Q: Previously I asked about a man who passed away but for the majority of his life did not pray Salaah. As per your previous reply, fidya can be given on behalf of the deceased: What do the Ulama state about a person who is not an heir but is related to the deceased, can they give the fidya on his behalf? Furthermore, how does one calculate the fidya per Salaah?