
Washing the nails in wudhu

Q: I have a problem that disturbs my ibaadat, personal life and family life. This problem is concerning wudhu. In my fingernails, some of the upper nail layer are peeling because I have peeling my nail bed. Must water enter under these peels. I have harmed my nail a lot. Must water reach only the surface of the nail or under (and not the cracks) because my nail (nailbed) is cracked because I harmed it. 

Pimple bursting while making wudhu

Q: I have got a fat pimple or wound, which is still open. Its on my hand. It does not bleed when it is dry but when water passes on it, it gets wet, and water sits on it. When I put a tissue on it, the tissue gets stained with a dot of red or yellow colour, a little bigger than a dot. So my question is that since its on my hand, how do I do my wudhu? And the water that touches the wound is paak or napaak? 

Sniffing water in wudhu


1. In ghusl, do we have to sniff water into the nose or will pouring suffice?

2. I have read that “Istinshaaq” means taking water into the nose and breathing it into its backmost part. I have also read that according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah) Istinshaaq is obligatory in ghusl and Istinthaar is desirable. (Durre Mandhuud p.167 & p.279 v.1)