

Q: I like a girl and get thoughts about her and with that drops of sperm come out of my penis. I have to do ghusal after these droplets or not? Please answer elaborately.

Doubts regarding wudhu

Q: I dont know if its a problem or its natural everyday. For the last few months a white liquid comes through my penis and Alhamdullilah I perform five time prayers. I put underwear but when I am going for namaz, I dont wear underwear. Sometimes while I offer namaz I feel liquid is coming, please explain.

Masah on medical sleeves

Q: I am a breast cancer patient who underwent surgery and chemo but have developed swelling on both arms due to the side effects. Because of the swelling I have to use medical arm sleeves (compression garment) all day long till night time (bed time) as so the sleeves might help a little with the swelling. My question is, when I go out and its time to do salaah its a bit hard for me to remove the sleeves and make wudhu. Sometimes I have to remove my clothing first then remove the sleeves, what should I do? When I make the normal wudhu and when its time for the hand part I just make the motion of it without removing the sleeves and without pouring water onto it, is that ok? 

Discharge in the shower

Q: I am a female and have a lot of daily disharge. Before ghusal I always urinate. Sometimes just after completing my ghusal I feel to see if discharge has came out or not and I'll feel that discharge has come out. So that means I rinsed my private part and while taking ghusal normal daily discharged has come out. Does it contaminate the water running down my legs while making ghusal? Is my ghusal valid, or should I repeat it?

Breakers of wudhu

Q: What are the common causes for the breaking of wudhu. Please confirm. If I am not sure weather I farted or not can I say my prayer? If I see any video of naked people on whatapp (so many people send picture / videos), would my wudhu break? If I talk abusive language, would my wudhu break?