
Is discharge from a female's private part paak?

Q: Is the discharge of different colours from a female private part paak as mentioned in the Fatwa of Deoband?

Does the wudhu remain intact and clothes remain paak if the discharge is on the clothing?

س:نماز کا وقت ختم ہونے پر عورت نے اپنا فرج دیکھا کہ وضو ہے کہ نہیں ہے، کچھ نہیں تھا، فرج کی رطوبت تھی، تو اس نے مغرب کی نماز پڑھ لی تو سوال یہ ہے کہ اگر فرج سے کچھ نکلا نہ ہو ، لیکن فرج ویسے ہی تھامطلب وضو کے بعد خشک نہیں کیا تو کیاوضو باقی ہے یا ٹوٹ گیا ؟ جزاک اللہ

Published on: Nov 28, 2018

جواب # 167213

س:بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fatwa : 249-207/D=3/1440

س:جب وضو کے بعد عورت کے فرج سے کوئی چیز نہیں نکلی ہے تو اس کا وضو اپنی حالت پر باقی ہے، اس لئے کہ فرج کی رطوبت پاک ہے۔ أن رطوبة الفرج طاہرة عندہ قال الشامی تحتہ: نعم یدل علی الاتفاق کونہ لہ حکم خارج البدن، فرطوبتہ کرطوبة الفم و الأنف والعرق الخارج من البدن (شامی: ۱/۳۰۵، ۳۰۶، ط: زکریا دیوبند) ۔ واللہ تعالیٰ اعلم دارالافتاء، دارالعلوم دیوبند

Making wudhu in the shower

Q: I have just recently become baaligh. I have been performing all my salaah and have not missed any. However, I used to make "wudhu" while showering. One day, I realised that sometimes while showering I did not wash my face and make masah (faraaidh of wudhu). I cannot recall how many salaahs I have performed in this manner. Please advise what I should do.

Will a graze without flowing blood break wudhu?


1. Would a graze that isn't flowing out blood, but would leave a faint print of blood on anything it came in contact with, break your wudhu?

2. In the above mentioned situation, say if the non flowing blood continuously came in contact with another part of the body or clothes etc., is it compulsory to wash that part of the body or clothes before performing salaah?

Inserting a tissue in the private part to prevent discharge


1. If a woman has a leucorrhea discharge problem and she knows after an hour or so she will experience a discharge but after performing ablution she inserts a tissue in the private area and offers her prayers the whole day knowing the fact that the discharge will be there when she will remove the tissue, will the salah perform in such condition be valid?

2. What is the shariah ruling regarding this?

3. Should she remove the tissue, clean and wipe the private area and then perform a fresh ablution when she knows she discharged?

4. If she does not insert the tissue and she offers her prayer and in the prayer she feels the discharge, will the wudhu break? Does she need to perform salaah again?