
Imaamat of a non-baaligh child

Q: My query is regarding the hadeeth of the child Sahaabi who performed salaah behind Nabi Sallaallahu alaihi wasallam and then went to his tribe and led the people in salaah.

1. Can the exact hadeeth be given with the references.

2. Is it permissible to use this hadeeth as a proof for a child being allowed to do imamat (albeit for taraweeh)

3. If possible, what is the fatwa of the A'imma Arba'a with regards to the above maslah.

I only ask this as recently in a musjid, naa baaligh children were allowed by the mutawalli of the musjid to lead the taraweeh salaah.

Laws pertaining to Imaamat

Q: I would like to find out all the Shar'ee laws pertaining to: - Imamat / leading a congregation in Salaah - Non Baaligh child making Imamat - Imam having a beard - Imam not following rules of tajweed. - Imam wearing his pants below his ankles. Please can I also have references for each of the queries.

Imaamat contract

Q: I have the following questions regarding the employment of an imaam:

1. Can the imaam claim full pay if he leads only four salaahs while his contract stipulates all five?

2. Is he entitled to a full salary during his annual four week umrah journey and five week family holiday?

3. Is he entitled to severance pay when his duties are not required e.g. if the prayer place (jamaat khana) is shut down by the government?

4. Some people think that the imaam is like a khalifah, once you employ him, the community has to support him for life, even when he is not assigned any duties.