digital photography

Ulama' appearing on TV

Q: While I read your ruling on Digital photography, maulana of almost all sects like Deobandi, Barelvi, Gair Muqallid, Shia or Ahle Sunnat Waljamat are getting their speeches and are aired on TV or You Tube etc. Maulana Tariq Jameel and Maulana Saad are the prominent Deobandi maslak Maulanas in this respect. Are they indulging in Haraam? Shall we not watch them?

Is digital photography the same as picture making?

Q: I wish to know what Islam says regarding digital photography. I hear that some scholars regard it as permissible arguing that it is totally different from a normal picture due to it having more resemblance with the reflection of a mirror. Based on this, it is permissible for one to capture digital photos of animate objects and store them on one’s phone. Is this viewpoint correct?

Could you please clarify the issue for me and explain the correct Islamic viewpoint on this matter to me, as well as provide me with the answers to the arguments of those who claim that digital photography is permissible?

I would appreciate if you could also explain the view of the four Imaams regarding photography.