
Remining in contact after three talaaqs

Q: I gave my wife 3 talaaqs 9 years ago. We have two daughters who were 2 and 4 years at the time. First talaaq was given while my in laws were living with us. We got into a very bad argument (screaming and shouting) and I wanted to leave the house but my father in law insisted that I give her talaaq. Unfortunately I did not know much about rules of talaaq back then.We were apart for 6-7 months but reconciled and made nikkah again. At this time my then wife was looking after and supporting her parents as they were out of work, which put a lot of strain on our relationship. We had another disagreement a few months later and I consequently issued her with another talaaq and while issuing her with the second one she insisted that I give her a third talaaq. My wife was a very stubborn woman and while I am not short tempered if I do get angry I "snap". At this stage I became so enraged that I issued her with the third and final talaaq. The third talaaq was issued out of pure rage and this is something that I regret to this day. As stated before it is now 9 years later and neither myself or she has been with anyone else. For the past 9 years it seems as if we have have grown closer to one another (without her parents involvement as they have moved to Cape Town). I would like to know if there is any chance that we can reconcile and get married again? A few days ago she confessed that she still loves me and I in turn also confessed that I still love her. At the time I did not know the implications or conditions of talaaq and have asked Allah for forgiveness as I realize what I did was wrong.