
Father demanding his married daughter to bath and massage him

Q: My wife's father demands from her to massage him and bath him while he is just wearing bermuda type shorts. He ignores her condition or tiredness. I want to know if it is allowed for him to demand this service from her? Am I justified forbidding her to do so? He lives in another city and keeps on insisting for her to come there, totally ignorant of the fact that she has a job and kids to look after. Now he is demanding to move in with her just for the reason that she may serve him like that. He has a wife who is my wife's step mother. I do not like her massaging or bathing him in his semi nude condition, but my wife said that its a culture of their country.

Working at massage centres

Q: I'm a Sri lankan living in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Due to some reasons I discontinued my job for last few weeks and now am jobless, but now I have got an opportunity to work at a massage center in the city with good payments and I don't know what kind of services do they provide and also I feel like it could be a prostitute center so is it ok to go and work with them? Sorry for my bad English hope you'll understand what am trying to say.

Going to a hindu woman for massages for medical reasons

Q: I am a woman. I have sluggish blood circulation problem and severe anemia leading to weak heart and CHD. I do not wish to take the allopathic treatment which eventually leads to operations. I have been advised to take body massage as alternative. Can I go for massages by a hindu ayurvedic lady doctor. I am a married woman with grown up children.