
Income of a person working in a newspaper company and a bank


1. What is the ruling on the income generated by working for a newspaper. The newspapers contain pictures, news which have the elements of backbiting, blaming, etc. Can we eat from the homes of these newspaper owners or their employees? They are close relatives and it will be difficult not to eat/drink while visiting them?

2. How about eating at the homes of bank emoloyees in the similar situation of being close relatives? Would the sin be greater if we eat there than eating in  the newspaper employees?

Lying in a job interview

Q: My question is regarding lying on a telephone interview for a university application. I had a telephone interview for computing course. I initially applied for a different course for which I got accepted with an unconditional offer. When I decided to change I had a telephone interview and the Head of department asked me as to why I didn't retake my GCSE Maths Exam as i had a D. I don't know how was it impulsive or due to nervousness I said that I was working full time. So he said ok and asked about my other qualification which is the main one BTEC I.T. He was satisfied and gave me an unconditional offer. So the lie is that I actually have retook my GCSE Exam and Got the same Result. I was certain that I had put it on my original application but it seems I didn't. To my shock I said the lie. I was actually working though pretty much full time. On Registration the Uni only took my BTEC cert. Am I sinful? Will my earnings be Halaal?

Income of an insurance agent

Q: My husband works as an insurance agent. If he invests his earnings in a business or buys a house to give on rent. Then is the profit acquired from such business or the rent got from the house going to be halaal for us. If not then why, because we are all depending on him? Please answer in the light of Quran and Hadith.

Fulfilling the obligation one owes towards one's mother and wife

Q: I am the only child of my mother, married with two kids alhamdulillah. But recently things are not going well for me. I'm not in a position to provide for my mother and wife at the same time and this is eating me up. I understand very well both have rights upon me but my earnings are very little! It's like choosing my wife over my mother.