after salaah

Seeing blood on one's clothing after performing salaah


1. After I had passed stool, there was a lot of bleeding in my back part. I wiped until I saw no blood on the tissue, then took a shower, then prayed dhuhr and asr prayers. Then at maghrib I went to the bathroom, and saw even more blood. Do I assume that the bleeding started again after I prayed asr, or do I assume that the bleeding was going on the entire time and therefore I have impurity all over me (because I showered) and my prayers are invalid?

2. Also, I often have bleeding in my back part and the toilet tissue we use is not clear white - it naturally has yellow/brown/red bits in it (I think it is because the tissue is recycled) and this makes it hard to tell if something is blood/stool or just the normal color of the toilet paper. If I wipe until the toilet paper comes back clean, then wash myself, then check again using toilet paper, however during the check I notice some spots that I'm not sure is normal color vs blood/stool, so I check again, but this time the toilet paper is clean, can I assume I am pure?

Inaudible Dua after Salaah

Q: I would like to know the ruling concerning dua after the congregation in the masjid. Should it be done audibly or should it be done inaudibly. Some people take offence at the fact that in certain masjids the day after congregation is made inaudible and they feel that because it is a congregation we should make the dua are similarly for everybody in an audible voice.

Dua after Fardh Salaah

Q: I am the imam occasionally in my madressa. After the fardh salah of zuhr. Would it be correct if I raise my hands and make dua softly to myself so that no one in the congregation can hear or is it correct to make a loud dua to which the congregation says ameen?

Durood Shareef after Salaah

Q: After fard prayer, do you have to send salutation on Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) by reading the durood shareef? Every masjid do that but when I am doing research, in no place it is mentioned that after fard prayer, you have to send blessings on Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) (i.e Allahumma swaliraswayyidinamuhammadinwwaralaalimuhammadinwwabaarikwasallim)? Or is it that they do this because they make the congregational dua after that because durood should be recited before making dua? According to my knowledge, after fard prayer, you have to read ayat ul kursi, tasbeen e fatihi and make your own dua and some but this recitation of durood is confusing.