non-muslim country

Wearing niqaab in a western country

Q: I have questions regarding the niqab. I know that it is worn widely in the Middle East. What about in the West, I live in North Carolina and I’ve been wanting to wear it but have been confused because some say you can’t and some say it’s not appropriate for the West. I just want some clarity on this especially if you are still in school, as in High School would this be appropriate?

Getting married under the age of 18

Q: In Islam, is it halaal to get married under 18 but by Law its illegal to get married under 18?

My question is: Can I do nikah but not get married by Law (I'm under 18 and the girl is under 18 too and we are in Europe... In my country like most of the countries its illegal to get married under 18)

Ma Sha Allah im 17 and she is 16 which means we have to wait 2 years... We both are muslims Ma Sha Allah, and she has a "wali" and everything else. Alhamdulilah its okay but that is the one and only problem.

Making istikhaara to study in a non-Muslim country

Q: I did istikhara to study in a non-Muslim country which came out good. I know that in a non-Muslim country people do anti-Islamic and blasphemous activities or support them. The University itself has a professor who supports blasphemy as freedom of expression. I will not be studying under him, but he is still in that University. I am afraid that due to this, my studying there were affect my love for Islam and the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and that I may be among the bad people in the hereafter. I feel that if I do not boycott this, then I will die as a kafir or I will be questioned that why I studied under and with such people who support blasphemy. My heart says that I believe that Islam, The Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the hereafter is important and therefore I must leave the education in that country. Please let me know what to do as the istikhara result was good and I do not know what to do.

Living in a country that bans Hijaab


1. Can a Muslim live in a country that bans Hijaab in public (Like France).

2. According to Sheikh Awlaki, a Muslim cannot live in a non-Muslim country unless the person is involved in: - Propagating Islam, and practices it freely - Doing business - Seeking knowledge The above are short term interventions, but a Muslim cannot live there forever. Is this correct?

3. Is it true that a Muslim ruler cannot permit the propagation of any other religion other than Islam? Further, temples should be destroyed by a Muslim ruler?

Taking an oath of allegiance to gain citizenship in a non-Muslim country

Q: Zaid is in a country which is a country of kuffar (kuffar rulers, dominant kuffar population, elected body making laws is all kuffar). However there Muslims living there and there are hundreds of mosques, even medaris for religious education. There are some areas where Muslims presence is clearly felt. Zaid went there for higher education and finished his masters degree and then got a very good job of his field. The employer organization arranged for his permanent residence permit to work freely there. He wants to come back to a Muslim country. But, he will get much higher salary and many benefits if he has the citizenship of this biladul-kuffar. So people are advising him to first get the citizenship and then return your home country. Is it jaíz for Zaid to apply for citizenship that will require finally an oath of allegiance (giving up allegiance to his country of birth and declare allegiance to this country of kuffar?). Some say the required oath is only a political allegiance and not a religious allegiance because their constitution give complete freedom of religion.