
Making ghusal with a fractured arm

Q: I am a 26 years old male. My right hand has got fractured and with plaster of Paris... Due to it I cannot use it and can't remove my upper clothes (shirt, etc.). I can go to the washroom on my own but I can't take a bath due to the injury. However I can only perform wudu (with masah on injured hand) and can wash lower part of my body i.e. legs and face and head. What is the ruling if ghusal gets obligatory upon me.... Should I make tayammum instead of ghusal or washing lower part of body, face and head and wet hand on upper body will suffice?

Semen coming out after ghusal

Q: I woke up after having a wet dream. I immediately made Ghusl and then remained awake for sometime during which I performed Salaat. I then urinated. A sticky, semen-like fluid came out with the urine. The urine was also very cloudy indicting the possible presence of semen therein. I therefore made Ghusl again.

1. Was it necessary for me to make Ghusl again after observing this about the urine?

2. Was the Salaat valid?

Brushing the teeth before ghusal


1. Should I brush my teeth in order to remove the yellow particles before ghusl of janabah or can I just gargle my mouth? (Just gargling wont remove the yellow particles on the teeth)

2. I know that if one food particle is stuck on the teeth and is less than the size of a chana then no problem but what about if many particles got stuck in many teeth?