
Ghusal after dreaming


1. I wanna ask you, if I had a dream which is not like any wet dream but in this dream I feel nervous, love and happy but there is no sexual activity, does this count as a wet dream?

2. If I have some sexual things in my mind in the beginning of my sleep but at that time I don't sleep completely so should I count it as a wet dream if only mazi comes out ?

Performing ghusal due to feeling wetness upon awakening

Q: Please tell me in which situation I will have to perform ghusl if mani is not released but feel little wetness

1. If I saw a dream which is lovable in nature not sexual

2. I saw a dream in which I feel nervous or shy but don't do anything sexual 

3. A dream in which I got a little bit aroused but not anything sexual

b. If I am at first stage of my sleep but not sleep completely and some dirty things flashes but I don't feel vaginal throbbing or not my heart beat goes fast so does this count as a wet dream and do I have to perform ghusl?

Mani (semen) of females

Q: I am in a big problem. I'm really afraid of wet dreams. Last night I saw a dream. It was not of sexual nature, just a lovable nature but I feel as if I was aroused. When I woke up I felt wetness but it was the same wetness I felt a day before when I was awake (I'm thinking it's regular vaginal discharge). I am unmarried so I don't know what mani looks like. Is ghusl still wajib on me? Please suggest because I have doubts in everything, even in wudu prayer and other things etc etc.

Finding dirt in one's ear after ghusal

Q: Please advise. I performed my ghusl as per usual. About an hour later I found some “dirt” in the crevice of my ear, like maybe old skin cells or maybe like the texture of tears once it has dried up. Is my ghusl counted? My concern is that the water did not pass over the area where the “dirt” was found and as such my ghusl might not be counted. Please advise.

Feeling some wetness after seeing a wet dream


1. I want to ask you if I remember having a wet dream and saw little discharge but very sure that this is vaginal discharge so gusl is fardh on me?

2. If I had a wet dream and on waking up I feel some wetness in my private area as all women have some moisture at there vagina so wetness should be reached out or should I use some tissue or cloth to check if there is any discharge?

Ghusal for a man who inserts his private part into another man


1. When a man inserts his tip of penis in other man's anus, both should have fard ghusl right?

2. Is the ghusl fard even if when both had worn clothes? E.g. If one had worn pants and the other had also worn pants but the penis went inside the anus along with both pants. Is ghusl still fard?

3. Is the fard ghusl same as ghusl janabah?