Decorating the Musjid

Hanging a photo of the Kabah on the front wall of the musjid

Q: In our Masjid someone has placed a hanging painting/photo of Kaba and Gumbade Khazra at the wall near the (Member- place where Imam leads the Salah). Is it permissible to put it there. I have reservations. So far I am concerned as it diverts the attention of cautious and creative people and therefore not good to keep these things in Masjid. Is it correct?

Building a sound room in the Musjid and decorating the Musjid


1. A Musjid is being constructed at the moment. The building is not yet complete and the Musjid boundaries have not yet been specified. Will it be possible to have the room beneath the staircase as non-Musjid area while the staircase leading to the first floor is Musjid? The benefit is that Azaan can be given from this room and the sound system will إن شاء الله be safe in that room. Please advise.

2. Can the qiblah wall in the Musjid be decorated? If it is not permissible, what will be regarded as decoration? Will Qur'an aayaat, ahaadeeth or duas be a form of decor? Will marble or tiles be considered a form of decor?

3. Can public funds be used for aesthetics of the Musjid? Will a dome be considered as aesthetics?