
Husband addicted to porn

Q: Please advise me as I feel very embarrased. A year ago I caught my husband watching porn on his cellphone. We had a big argument about it but after all that he blamed me saying that I am not fulfillng his rights. From that time to recently I really tried to fulfill his needs but I find for the past two months he does not come to bed as usual. Instead he waits for me to be fast asleep and either falls asleep in the family room or comes to bed at about 2 a.m. Whenever I enter the room to see if he is okay he immediately switches off his phone. When I asked him what he is up to he begins to scream at me or denies doing anything wrong. I really feel embarrassed to speak to my brothers about this situation as I feel that my husband is probably addicted. Can I ask for a divorce as I feel nothing has changed.

Giving up porn and smoking


1. I have an e-cigarette. It is like an alterative to a cigrette and I've got lots of different types and spent alot of money on them but I want to stop it completely. Should I throw them away and go against my nafs?

2. I am a younster with hormones and I used to make accounts to watch naked women perform acts. Each time I had the urge I'd make a new account. Should I leave the accounts and ask for forgiveness and not go back to the accounts even if the accounts are there and not getting used? Will I be sinful everyday if the accounts are not there because I don't know how to delete them.

Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr?

Q: Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr:

1. One's mother walks into the room to pray, and you tell her to go pray somewhere else (or go pray in another room) because you're watching something on your computer.

2. Committing sinful acts (like watching pornography, masturbation, listening to music) in the same room where the Holy Qur'an is kept, and other Islamic books and literature is kept (like books of Durood Shareef).

3. Someone says that the Old Testament is barbaric and harsh, and one nods and smiles in agreement.

Breakers of wudhu

Q: What are the common causes for the breaking of wudhu. Please confirm. If I am not sure weather I farted or not can I say my prayer? If I see any video of naked people on whatapp (so many people send picture / videos), would my wudhu break? If I talk abusive language, would my wudhu break?

Internet par porn dekhna

Q: Internet pe porn images (yani gandi fahash taswir) dekhne ka gunah kya hai jaise is tarah ki chize ankho ki zina hoti hai to ankho ki zina ki saza kya hai aur is buri adat se nijat kesi milegi mujhe porn images dekhne ki adat chorna ka raasta bataye.