plastic surgery

Facial surgery

Q: I'm turning 19 this year and I wanna know whether it's permissible for me to attempt facial surgery?

Backstory: Since I was a little girl, I've always been insecure about the way i look. I clearly remember people commenting about my face. What's wrong with my face? It's asymmetrical. More specifically, the things that really bothers me are my eyes and nose. My eyes are not symmetrical as one is higher than the other/not leveled and one's smaller than the other. I was born with one monolid and one double eyelid. I remember when i was little, my friend said that one of my eye is smaller than the other and then continuing doing a facial expression by squinting one of her eye so that it would resemble me. That happened when i was around 10. It left a huge mark on me. And then there's my nose. I'd describe my nose as a nose that has a weak nose bridge/no bulbous tip and if you look at it from a downward angle, it looks like a hemisphere rather than a triangle just like how other people have. When i was 14, my friends were talking about my nose and asking questions about it which made me insecure but i didn't show it, she later on touched my nose to feel it and she said that i don't have a 'bone' on my nose bridge/tip of my nose and she concluded that's why my nose is shapeless/big. Other people have made their criticism on it, telling me that it's big, weird and made it seem as abnormal to them.

Those two things really made me feel so self-conscious about myself. I hate going out and even wearing the hijab because it somehow accentuates the face and mine is so asymmetrical. it somehow led to my depression as i was diagnosed with the mental condition when i was 15 and took prescriptions up until now. so, what's your opinion on my case? Can i do surgery on the parts that i mentioned? 

Doing plastic surgery to straighten the nose

Q: My daughter has a strange nose. It is very asymmetrical where one side is bigger, wider and a different shape. It does not bother her or cause her physical harm and she is unaware due to young age but I fear when she does realise this defect. I contemplate would she be able to do plastic surgery in order to correct this and if not, what actions should I take so that she does not feel insecure?