changing one's name

Bimaar bachcha ka naam badalna

Q: Mera beta 25 September ko hua Hai us ka Nam hum ne Muhammad Azaan rkha Hai us k baba ka Nam Nadeem Ashraf Hai wo thek nahi rehta dood maa ka to peeta hi nahi 1 month or 4 din ka ho gya Hai dabby ka dood pee kr b vomiting kr deta Hai rota bht Hai or sota b Kam Hai Kya ye Nam us k liye bhari Hai ya koi or masla Hai

Calling a Muslim by their non-Muslim name

Q: I am a converted Muslim after marriage and I really feel good that I have become a Muslim. I have also changed my name after marriage. My previous name was Nancy Nicholas and my Muslim name is Aaliyah Ali but my parents and sisters are still Christian, and they call me Nancy only. My husband doesn't like it and I cannot tell them not to call me Nancy because they will feel bad as I married so early when I was 18 and they wanted me study and do something for them. So I want to ask you:

1. My husband says, if they will call you by your previous name, you will be in gunah or crime and Allah doesn't like it.

2. Also I want to ask whether it is really important to change the name after marriage if you have a non Muslim name?

3. I heard that on the day of Qayamat everyone will be called by there names so which name I be called Nancy or Aaliyah?

Changing the name Musaib

Q: I have been suffering from depression from 15 years almost and my heart has become extremely weak. I am taking antidepressants from 4 years. I recently visited a religious man, he told me your name is not suitable for you. I want to know the meaning of my name (Musaib) and if it is really wrong name, then I will have change it during nikah. Actually my parents named me Musaib without proper consultation with any religious man.

Changing one's name after accepting Islam

Q: I was Hindu and married a Muslim guy and converted now. I want to know is it mandatory to change name to Islamic name? I heard many YouTube scholar speeches where they say it isn't necessary to change the name. If it doesn't have any bad meaning of something related to other religion, my name has no bad meaning nor it is Sanskrit name. It isn't Hindu name at all and it doesn't associate any other gods names too. Please reply, they have changed my name for marriage purpose and have affidavit but I don't want to get it changed in documents as I also heard that we can visit mecca by just having proof of conversion and affidavit and marriage certificate. Please advise. I'm emotionally very much attached to my old name.

Changing a name that has kufr connotations

Q: We have named my son Keyaan. A friend drew our attention to the origin of his name. The name is from Irish mythology, also belonged to pagan Persian kings, also found that it is widely used in hindu and tamil community. I have checked the Arabic meaning and it means entity. As for any words, entity also has a vast array of meanings. One of the meanings is ghost or spirit or anything that is living or non living, anything from the unseen. So far I don't see anything positive about the name. Please clarify and let me know whether my findings are correct.

Changing the child's name

Q: Our baby girl's aqeeqah was done on the 7th day. At the same time Alhamdulillah the hair cut was done, one animal was sacrificed and the name was kept. After doing the aqeeqah, can we change the child's name? Is it possible? Do we have to repeat the aqeeqah?

Accepting Islam and changing one's name

Q: I am looking at converting to Islam and have several questions. Is my name permissible, or should I change it due to it having un-Islamic meanings? Todd means fox, dog, clever or wily (intending to be deceitful), and Christopher means Christ-bearer. My next question is hair on men, my hair is long, it is past my shoulders but is neat and kept clean, am I commanded to cut it or shave it if I convert? Also, what is the rule on piercings, I have several. My last question is I still am researching and trying to clear doubts, should I take my Shahadah now or wait and clear my doubts first and say it with a clear mind, and is it better to say it in private or in public like a mosque?

Changing one's age

Q: In Pakistan it is possible by unfair means to reduce your age on a official level. So 5 years ago when I was I a child 12 or 13 years old I don't have much knowledge about Deen, what's right, what's wrong. I wasn't aware of the result of the act my father did. Five years ago my father reduced my age just by one year. So now I'm 18 but according to legal papers I'm 17. And because of that act I have to lie every where I go. I can't reverse the act because if I go and increase my age then all my educational degrees would become false and fraud. So I feel very guilty about the act my father did to me. I have to lie everywhere and I am facing a lot of problems because of that act. My questions are:

1. Is my father responsible for every sin I earn because of telling lie about my age?

2. What should I do? lie my whole life?

3. I've forgiven my father but I can't forget what he's done to me. So tell me a way to forget.