
Sunnah method of using a miswaak

Q: I would like to know the masnoon way of doing miswaak. Should it be right to left in one go which would be the "length" of the mouth and the "breadth" of the teeth or is it to be done in an up down motion on each tooth starting with the tooth on top on the right which would then be the "length" of the teeth and the "breadth" of the mouth?

The branches of Imaan


(1) There is a hadith in Muntakhab Ahadees book which mentions 70 branches of faith (Emaan). What are those 70 branches of faith which Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has taught?

(2) In Fazail a A'amal, it is mentioned in Fazail a Namaz that there are 70 benefits of using Miswak. What are those 70 benefits of miswak?