concealing one's past

Concealing one's past sins

Q: I was in a friendship with Mr. X and was committed with him for many years and now I am engaged to him Masha Allah. Our relationship is very pious and respectaable. We never touched each other. A year before my engagement with my friend Mr. X, my affair started with Mr. Z and I had a physical relationship but there was no penetration. I was cheating on my friend Mr. X. Finally I realized my mistake and now I have left Mr. Z.... My fiance, Mr. X got this information from different people about my past affair and asked me but I refused to accept it. I repent for my sin daily but I don't want to hurt my fiance nor do I want to cheat on him. One thing is for sure that he will not leave me even after I accept my sin in front of him but I don't want to hurt him for his whole life.

What should I do now? Should I tell him truth before marrying him? I don't have courage to face him

Secondly, will Allah forgive me ? Is there any kaffara of my sin? My marriage is planned after 3 months. 

Informing one's in-laws about one's past

Q: I have been married for a few years and have children. When the wedding talk was happening, my in laws to be were told that my dad married twice and has children with both wives. They reacted negatively and almost used this reason to stop the talk. Due to their negative reaction, I didn't disclose that my mother was married before and has two children from her previous marriage. But after the wedding I only told my husband. Now, I'm scared of telling my in laws as they are very old fashioned and traditional. I am still in contact with my half-siblings (I'm sure their feeling are hurt by this). What is the Islamic ruling in this situation. I have no secrets from my husband.

Exposing one's sins to people

Q: I have a friend who is in a situation, she is getting married in less than a month Insha Allah. She has made many changes in her life as growing up for her was on the jahiliya path with the wrong crowd and being involved in a lot of haraam things. Now she was in a haraam relationship and it was ended many years ago. She had met this guy who now she is engaged to and introduced the parents were now alhumdulilah are getting on and like I said nearly getting married. My friend committed a sin a few months ago and committed zina with her past relationship. She has repented sincerely and has promised herself not to ever let shaitaan win over temptations and commit haraam again. She now isn't sure if she should be honest with her husband to be or to not expose her sins what can she do?

Concealing one's past

Q: How much of my past must I tell to any potential bride? I am wife hunting and have had a colorful past to say the least. Potential wives have been asking about my past. I am sure that they would not want to have anything to do with me if I told all. Even though I am now a reformed person and trying to increase my understanding of Deen. So I thought what is appropriate in Islam in this situation.