
Earning online

Q: Is online earning like Youtube, doing surveys online, installing apps, referring service and apps for others, etc. Many services and websites are available online for earning, that all work in Islamic perspective. Are they halaal or haraam?

Ordering Islamic books online

Q: Is it permissible to order Islamic books online and have them delivered through shipping, even though the books contain aayaat (and some are tafseers and translations) and one knows that the shipping process is quite rough? Realistically, the packages will be thrown around, placed on the ground, will have other goods placed upon it, might even get stepped on, etc. before it gets to the destination. Am I allowed to order?

Selling gold online

Q: I intend to begin online precious metals trading (buying and selling gold online for example), and I read the mas’alah that “purchasing gold online in exchange of money” is permissible. Can you please explain what this means?

Online job for classifying images and products

Q: An online job involves classifying various images into appropriate product categories. One is presented an image and has to select the appropriate category. For example, an image of an iPhone is shown and one has to select the 'Electronics - Mobile Phones' category. Images for haraam items to classify also appear, such as TVs, video game consoles, alcohol, musical instruments, etc. Furthermore, animate images do often appear with the product for classification; one has to look at the animate image in order to classify the product. For example, the image of an attractive woman wearing a gold necklace (where the necklace must be classified). Or classifying a Milo tin that has an animate image on the packaging. One is paid a predetermined amount for each image classified. Please advise:

1. Is this classification of animate images permissible?

2. Is this classification of haraam products permissible?

3. Is any income haraam and Waajibut Tasadduq?

Online Forex

Q: I trade currencies in the Forex market. I do not use leverage or margin, neither do I receive interest or pay any interest. All these things are done through an online broker. Is it permissible?