
Kaffarah for breaking a fast of Ramadhaan

Q: About 12 years ago when I was 22 (I guess so), I broke my fast intentionally (I don't want to mention the reason but all I can say is I was with my fiance. And I did not know that the kuffara will be to fast for 60 days consecutively. Now after so many years, I have not only realized that I committed a sin but want to do the kuffara and repent. Please explain to me the procedure and if there are any alternatives and what is more appropriate for me to do.

Listening to one's mother

Q: I made plans a few months ago and told my parents that I would like to spend the last 10 days of Ramadan in South Africa with my teacher because he goes every Ramadan. They did not say much at the time. My mother is not allowing me to go. What should I do?

Breaking one's fast due to being intimate with one's wife

Q: During ramadhaan, whilst fasting I got intimate with my wife. We did not have actual relations at first but satisfied one another using our hands. i.e: I made inzaal. And satisfied her using my hands. However after that before iftaar, thinking that our fasts are already broken, we ate food and we had actual relations. Will kaffaarah become binding or only qadha? I am studying aalim course and I know what I did requires a lot of reformation and taubah but from what I understand, there will only be qadha in this case and no kaffaarah. Please advise.

Making qadha due to eating sehri after fajr time sets in

Q: On the first day of Ramadhaan I did not know about the 18 degrees fajr time so I ate suhoor after fajr entered according to 18 degrees fajr time. After the first day I found out about the 18 degrees fajr time and how its more accurate than 15 degrees so I started following that after the first day. Regarding that first day, since I did not know about the 18 degrees fajr time, do I have to make it up? And do I have to make it up immediately after Ramadhaan or any time up until the next Ramadhaan?