
Eating from interest money

Q: I'm confused about what is meant when "food bought from riba is haraam". I currently have some money from a loan I took out that has interest on it (I was under a lot of pressure from my family and got yelled at for trying to avoid the loan). I was wondering, does all the food bought from this money automatically become haraam to consume because the loan is haraam? If so, I plan on just leaving the unnecessary leftover money in the bank until I have halal earnings. Because if I empty out my bank account trying to return this money, lol can't even imagine what my family would do to me. But yeah, I feel guilty about this loan but I was practically forced into this when I started getting ridiculed for trying to stay halal. So my other question is, wouldn't the sin fall on the person who pressured me into paying riba rather than me?

Processing fee for a loan

Q: One of the banks in my residence country is offering a short term interest free loan. I am only interested in using this loan because it is interest free. It has a fixed processing fees (1 % of the amount of loan) and a onetime fixed insurance fees to be paid. Can you please advise, if it is alright to utilize this loan.

Unable to trace who a payment was received from

Q: I work in the accounts dept of a company. We receive payments into our bank account from customers. Sometimes we receive payments but we cant trace who the money came from. After a few months if no one has come forward to claim the money we give it away in charity. My question is, can I give the money to a fellow employee of the same company who has some loans that they are unable to settle?

Is the answer the same if the employee is owing the loan to the company itself?

Declaring war with Allah Ta'ala by dealing in interest

Q: My older brother is the head of the household and he makes most of the financial decisions for me. A while ago he made me apply for a loan that I would have to pay interest on. Now that I know that paying interest is haram, I've tried hard to convince him to cancel the loan and even told him about valid Islamic sources to show that it is a grave sin. He simply said that we're in a tough situation and I need the loan to go to college so exceptions have to be made. And he went on to add, "These online muftis don't know the difficulties our family goes through to put bread on the table." I'm in a situation where I have no control in returning the loan before interest starts accruing on it since he has control over the bank account. I fear that my family will lash out at me and maybe even cut family ties from me for putting them through difficulties for my own beliefs since they don't follow Islam as closely as I do. I'm very scared of the consequences I will have to face for letting him force me into taking a loan in which I will pay riba on. Please let me know of any way to deal with this sin that I see no way of avoiding. I would even pay 10 times the amount in sadaqa as I took in the loan (later on in my life) if I have to.