gold jewellery

How to calculate zakaat

Q: I'd like to know how to calculate zakaat. I am 25 years old and have never paid it as I don't know how to calculate it. I do tutoring for 2 children, I have some shares, I have some money in my bank account and I have money in a money box but I don't know how much money I have in that money box. I also have some gold jewellery of which I wear some of it but not all and I don't know the value of it.

Is it true that you have to also pay zakat on clothing that you have not used in over a year? Please assist. 

Husband taking back jewellery that was given to the wife

Q: I wanted to ask that my husband divorced me after my mother in law passed. I have a baby girl in this marriage. My sister in law and my husband took away whatever jewellery my mother in law gave me at my wedding. I have a two and a half year old baby girl. Please tell me if it is right in Islam to give something and take it back because at the time my mother in law gave me the jewellery she said it's yours. The jewellery was with me in my cupboard since the day I got married and when I went to take my belongings from my husbands house, they asked me to give me whatever gold jewellery my mother in law gave me because my husband said that if I don't give the gold jewellery, he will not give me a single rupee for my baby's expenses.

Which value will be considered for gold and silver jewellery?

Q: The general "market" for an ordinary person wishing to sell his jewellery in our times would be to a jeweler or a gold purchaser. The value thus given by them constitutes the market value. The established practice of both these dealers in evaluating an item to be purchased by them is to consider the gold content present in the jewellery only. They ignore any value that may exist due to the workmanship present in that gold or silver jewellery.

Question: Will this value given by the jeweller or gold purchaser (which is based on gold content only) be the market value considered for zakaat purposes?