
Reciting durood without wudhu


1. Can I recite durood without wudhu or I've been doing a sin?

2. Which durood should I recite before I sleep because I only recite Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam or Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi Wasallam and I drink milk every night.

3. I know Rasululllah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) taught us a du'a after drinking milk. Can you please teach me that dua'a.

Is foster relationship established through drinking the milk of animals?

Q: I have to ask one question relating to Razaa'at or foster relationship. If an adult person of any age or infant child or child of any age drinks the milk of any kind and type of animal, whether it is the milk of cat, cow or any animal which gives milk either the animal is halal or haram, so is the relationship of Razaa'at or foster relationship established with the animal or it's only established with the milk of human beings?

Adding water to milk

Q: I am a farmer and supply milk to shops. Almost all the other farmers sell their milk at a low price because they add water to the milk. The customers are aware of this as well. If I sell my milk without water, nobody will buy it because it will be more expensive than the milk with the water. If I inform my customers and mutually agree with them to add water to the milk, will it be permissible?