
Females travelling to other countries for i'tikaaf

Q: Please issue a ruling on the following:

(1) Females travelling to a foreign country for the purpose of observing Nafl I’tikaaf in a hall.

(2) Females travelling to a foreign country for the purpose of observing Nafl I’tikaaf in someone’s house.

(3) Females observing Nafl I’tikaaf in a hall owned and operated by the local Hindu Association.

(4) Females eating the leftover food of their (ghair-mahram) Shaykh for the purpose of Tabarruk.

(5) Females being giving the clothing items of their living (ghair-mahram) Shaykh for the purpose of Tabarruk.

(6) Females having casual, non-Islaahi, conversations from behind a screen with their (ghair-mahram) Shaykh in the presence of others.

(7) A female travelling to Western secular Universities for giving bayaans to the female students of the Western secular University.

(8) A Shaykh of Tasawwuf buying a packet of sweets and sending it, as a gift, for a female mureed when she qualifies as a Hafizah. The gift is sent with a male mahram of the female mureed.