
Female mureedah giving gifts to the shaikh


1. Can a female mureeda give a little gift to her Shaykh (and his wife) to thank him for all his advice and his precious support in the spiritual journey?

2. Can I consider my Shaykh as a father? (Obviously remaining aware that my biological father is another, but unfortunately he has never collaborated with my mother in my upbringing and often he said that he doesn't consider me his daughter, especially after convertion to Islam. I'm still a teenager and my education is carried out by my mother (convert to Islam Alhamdulillah) and by my Shaykh who guide me on spiritual path and he is helping me to shape my personality and my behavior, so this Shaykh is like a father for me).

Females travelling to other countries for i'tikaaf

Q: Please issue a ruling on the following:

(1) Females travelling to a foreign country for the purpose of observing Nafl I’tikaaf in a hall.

(2) Females travelling to a foreign country for the purpose of observing Nafl I’tikaaf in someone’s house.

(3) Females observing Nafl I’tikaaf in a hall owned and operated by the local Hindu Association.

(4) Females eating the leftover food of their (ghair-mahram) Shaykh for the purpose of Tabarruk.

(5) Females being giving the clothing items of their living (ghair-mahram) Shaykh for the purpose of Tabarruk.

(6) Females having casual, non-Islaahi, conversations from behind a screen with their (ghair-mahram) Shaykh in the presence of others.

(7) A female travelling to Western secular Universities for giving bayaans to the female students of the Western secular University.

(8) A Shaykh of Tasawwuf buying a packet of sweets and sending it, as a gift, for a female mureed when she qualifies as a Hafizah. The gift is sent with a male mahram of the female mureed.