
Whose duty is it to pay for the household necessities?

Q: I am currently working for my father whereby I am in a secluded office doing his book work. For this I earn a wage. My husband also earns a reasonable wage and my question is:

1. Should I, as the wife, pay for household necessities and groceries or is it the duty of my husband? Please bear in mind that my husband and I are newly married and I have not had the confidence to bring up money matters with him as yet.

2. How do I go about discussing this with him in a sensible manner?

Having dislike for someone

Q: I have this housemates that talks about people. She had talked about me and I confirmed it that she did. Since then I dread her completely and never want anything to come between us but we do exchange greetings and if she needs assistance I render it if I can but nothing more. This keeps disturbing me because each day my dislike for her increases. What should I do?