
Involvement in vain activities

Q: Mufti Saheb, if no money or goods are involved, is it halaal to have a league, with family, where you predict football match results and then have a league table of who got the most predictions right, based on their odds? There is no money or real stake (in the form of any asset) involved. It's done for fun and of course, a small feeling of achievement when someone wins or leads.

Playing games with a dice


1. Is it permissible to play a game which involves rolling a dice?

2. Is the following hadith sahih? It was narrated by Muslim (2260), Abu Dawood (4939), Ibn Maajah (3763) and Ahmad, from Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever plays with dice, it is as if he were dipping his hand in the flesh and blood of a pig.”

Playing ludo

Q: I love to play Ludo which involves a dice. I play it with my family or friends for fun and entertainment. There's no gambling and we are mindful to fulfil our obligations like Salaat and everything i.e. play it in our free time. Recently, I came across it that playing Ludo is Haraam while I see no harm in it keeping in mind we donot play it for haraam purposes.

Mobile games and video games

Q: What does Islam say about indoor games like mobile games, video games, etc. I am doing a job and busy in it. I want to play games because I dont have any other entertainment but my wife stops me. We dont have TV so I get bored. I think that its better to play games instead of going out and getting involved in bad things. Please guide us.

Working for a company that maintains haraam websites

Q: I work in an IT company where they monitor and maintain the server of a website. That is we take care of all their backend and frontend problems and manage them according to the client requirements. Now the company has many websites which is haram like games of rummy played for real money and haram entertainment websites. The company also has good educational website. Is it permissible for me to work in this company and is it my earning halaal where I have to monitor and manage all these websites and make the website run smoothly irrespective of being halaal and haraam?