putting water in the nose

Frequent nose bleeds


1. If one has frequent nosebleeds and wipes inside his nose with a tissue until one sees no more blood on the tissue, then later clear mucus comes out, is the mucus impure?

2. Is one allowed to sniff mucus into the throat at this point?

3. After this, does the person have to rinse out their nose before making wudu?

4. Also, when rinsing out nose after a nosebleed, does one have to blow their nose or can they just let the water flow out (when blowing inevitably leads to impure water spraying everywhere)? Is it okay to rinse it out just once?

5. Lastly, if the water one draws up the nose goes into the mouth/throat, does one have to wash the nose again? Does one have also wash the mouth, if they feel the water go into the mouth?

Sniffing water in wudhu


1. In ghusl, do we have to sniff water into the nose or will pouring suffice?

2. I have read that “Istinshaaq” means taking water into the nose and breathing it into its backmost part. I have also read that according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah) Istinshaaq is obligatory in ghusl and Istinthaar is desirable. (Durre Mandhuud p.167 & p.279 v.1)