new muslim

Muslim man marrying a new Muslim

Q: I recently converted to Islam and I am in a relationship with one muslim man. His family is making him married to one of his cousins and he dont have guts to take a stand. Now my family is hindu and they will make me marry a hindu man. I am afraid I will be in haram relation with him and the man whom I love is not willing to take a stand for me for his family. I am left in middle of nowhere. I can't live my life with a person who does shirk and is non believer plus my family don't know I have converted to Islam and they won't understand and force me to marry a hindu man. What should I do? Please help me. Please I can't leave Islam.

Doubting the Imaan of people

Q: In America there are a lot of people that are converting to Islam. Sometimes I get the doubt that some of them are just acting like they converted but they are actually munafiq like there were munafiqeen in the time of the Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Is it wrong to doubt the iman of a Muslim if he is a Muslim zaahiran?

Changing one's name after accepting Islam

Q: I was Hindu and married a Muslim guy and converted now. I want to know is it mandatory to change name to Islamic name? I heard many YouTube scholar speeches where they say it isn't necessary to change the name. If it doesn't have any bad meaning of something related to other religion, my name has no bad meaning nor it is Sanskrit name. It isn't Hindu name at all and it doesn't associate any other gods names too. Please reply, they have changed my name for marriage purpose and have affidavit but I don't want to get it changed in documents as I also heard that we can visit mecca by just having proof of conversion and affidavit and marriage certificate. Please advise. I'm emotionally very much attached to my old name.

Circumcision for new-Muslims

Q: This question is on behalf of a revert brother that is planning to get married. He would like to know what is the ruling on circumcision for a male revert to Islam in the light of Hanafi fiqh as well as Shaafi fiqh? What is the ruling of ghusl after relations with regards to not being circumcised? Would ghusl be valid if he is not circumcised? Any other advise for the brother would be accepted.

Accepting Islam and changing one's name

Q: I am looking at converting to Islam and have several questions. Is my name permissible, or should I change it due to it having un-Islamic meanings? Todd means fox, dog, clever or wily (intending to be deceitful), and Christopher means Christ-bearer. My next question is hair on men, my hair is long, it is past my shoulders but is neat and kept clean, am I commanded to cut it or shave it if I convert? Also, what is the rule on piercings, I have several. My last question is I still am researching and trying to clear doubts, should I take my Shahadah now or wait and clear my doubts first and say it with a clear mind, and is it better to say it in private or in public like a mosque?

Marrying a new Muslim girl without the consent of her parents

Q: I am a muslim guy and I want to marry a girl. She is also a born muslim but her father is not muslim and her mother is also a muslim. So I want to marry her but we dont want to tell her parents about the nikah and will tell them later. Please advise me. Should i marry her withot her parents consent? Is it right and after nikah we have decided that the girl will live with their parents until we tell them about our nikaah.