property distribution

Winding up an estate

Q: I've got a question and situation pertaining to inheritance and estate.

My mother in-law has passed on and wasn't married ANC contract but rather in COP. Half the property goes to my father in-law. To make the winding up of the estate easy, the 3 brother's decided to legally put the entire property on my father in-laws name. Now that my father in-law wants the property to be sorted out, the issue is that the youngest brother and his wife live with my father in-law. The property is valued around R1.1 million. The youngest brother who isn't very stable wishes to buy the elder and middle brother's shares at 150k each as that's all he can afford and wishes to pay monthly whatever little he can afford. 

What's the correct shariah process to follow since it's on my father in-laws name legally? My husband wishes to just give the shares and say that don't pay monthly but whenever he has means later in life then he can give it to him. My husband himself doesn't own a property or anything so should he not accept his shares so that he can put it aside for hajj or as a deposit for our own house? Tomorrow if anything happens, my husband says I should go with my 3 kids to my parent's as he has nothing.

What should be done to please Allah and what process should be followed ? The father in-law does live with the youngest son that wants to buy the house but he is ever complaining about him and my sister in-law to us which isn't right at all.


Q: My father had died about 20 years ago. My sister has died recently. I am her only blood brother. Me and my sister shared same parents. My mother is still alive (Masha Allah). My mother re-married after my father's death and she has a son. I wanted to ask how my sisters wealth is to be distributed as I am incharge of it. In short, my sister died and has left behind:

1. A full brother.

2. A mother who has done second marriage.

3. A step brother (same mother different father).

Is my mother and step brother entitled to any of the property that my sister got from our father?

Property distribution

Q: My grandfather married my grandmother after the death of his first two wives. He had 2 sons and 2 daughters from his first wife and no children from his second wife who died during her first delivery. My grandfather and my grandmother (third wife) also have died and they had three sons and three daughters. Now there is a property in the name of my grandmother (third wife) and we wanted to know.

1. Who all will inherit from my grandmothers property?

2. What will be the share of each inheritor?

Distributing the estate in a C.O.P Marriage

Q: My father past away in 2008 he was married in c.o.p. I have 4 sisters and me as the only son. What happens to the house as they want to put the house on to my mother's name and they say she owns half the house. What does shariah say about this and how do I go about in sorting this out. The house was bonded with my late father and mothers name, now she is the executor so how does this work? 


Q: My parents died with 3 properties on their name, out of 3, one was claimed by my brother that it belongs to him, well he also passed away recently and his wife sold that property, now how shall we distribute these properties among ourselves. The deceased brother has a widow, 3 daughters and 1 son. We are 3 brothers alive and 1 sister alive.

Depriving heirs of their share of the inheritance

Q: Parents have two sons and two daughters. After their marriage they distribute their property and asked them to invest. After some time one daughter died and after her death, her father also died. Now the brother and mother are telling the children of the dead daughter that we will not give you the share of the property in which they invested and is registered in the court of law. Please guide us.


Q: My father passed away some years ago. At the time of his passing the house belonged to him. At that time two of my siblings were unmarried and living with my parents. A family member advised to sell the house and distribute the proceeds according to shariah. We did not do this at the time due to my mother and two siblings still living in the house. So to avoid any complications we all agreed to give my mother the house and put it on her name. Was this the correct procedure?

My siblings living in the house looked after and maintained the house up to now. Now my one sibling got married and has moved out and the other is about to be married. He would like to now sell the house and purchase another house in another area. This new house will be on my mothers name but my sibling who is getting married will live with my mother there. Is this the correct procedure or should my fathers house be sold and each person be given their share of the inheritance?

Property distribution

Q: We are so worried about the property distribution. Please give me answer. My grandfather died and he left a son (my father) and 4 daughters (my aunties). The whole property was willingly given to my father by aunties and they signed it at that time. Now my father passed away, our 4 aunties now giving stress and claiming the property division. Now our cousins (our aunties children) want their rights. Please give me some suggestion in Shariah can we decline it or we should give them some part/money to them.