
What should one do with pigs that were part of the farm one purchased

Q: I purchased a farm and whatever it contains from a non-muslim farmer. Afterwards I found out that the non-muslim farmer kept many domesticated pigs as pets on the farm. I thought of loading them up on my truck and dumping them in the bushes, but then I realized that they are tame pigs and in doing so, they will not survive in the bushes and die within days. They are too the creation of Allah Ta'ala, hence I find difficulty in just dumping them and leaving them for dead. I then thought of giving them to another non-muslim farmer but then the thought came to mind that what if I will be assisting them in haraam in doing so? Then I finally thought of shooting them and then giving the meat to a relative of mine who owns a lion park, as food for the lions. Is it permissible for me to give the pig meat to him to feed his lions? If not, then what should I do with these pigs? Please advise.