
Is it necessary to change clean bed sheets and scarves after haidh?

Q: I have heard that after the haidh is completed, a person may no longer sleep on the same bedsheets, even though the sheets are not messed. The sheets must be changed before making ghusl or if ghusl is taken and the sheets have not been changed, one may not sleep on the bed unless the sheet is removed. Also further this was applied to any scarves or burkas that one may have worn during the haidh for even a short period. Is this correct?

Impurity on the bedsheet

Q: My question is that if I am sitting on my bed with my blanket on side touching me and if I pre ejaculated in my underpants and it gets more than 2.76 cms (a dirham coin) then will my bedsheets and blanket becomes impure if I stay in bed for an hour or so before bathing?

Washing impure bed sheets

Q: My question is on behalf of my colleague. He is having a problem since 6 years. His life is in danger as his parents are not with him. His parents are in India. He lives in his uncles house. He told me that one day he was sleeping without going to toilet and he urinated while was sleeping in his bed. He is very shy to wash his bed sheets because he will be asked by his uncle and aunt. After that he washes his hands regularly and they thought he got ocd because they don't know his matter. They took him to the doctor. Now he's afraid of tell them about his problem because if he wants to wash his bed sheets they say it's washed and his duvets are not clean as well. They always follow what he does. So brother please tell me what should he do now? He's always thinking about it. Please give him some advice.

Impurity on the bed

Q: If a towel was put on the bed and some semen after intercourse went on it which then transferred to the other bottom side of the towel which was touching the bed sheet then does that mean the bed sheet is also impure? This is because the wetness of the semen from the bottom side of the towel touching the bedsheets could've been transferred. Although when checked after few minutes the sheet was dry and and there were no stains. Should I have to wash the bed sheet?