
Marrying a prostitute

Q: I'm 25 years old, unmarried by birth. I am a Muslim and I was not practising till last month and now I got fear of Allah. I started praying and reading Qur'an everyday. I need help on this. I met a girl on social media 6 months ago. We chatted only online. She is Christian and her profession is sexworker (prostitution) and we started loving each other. She stopped working (prostitution) because of me. Does Islam allow me to marry her. Now I'm fearing about Allah more.

Tawbah for committing zina

Q: I have a friend who has commited a sin. He had sex with a prostitute. He is very sorry and disappointed for what he has done. I am very tensed to see him that much disappointed. On his behalf, I want to ask if there is any forgiveness for that sin for him? If there is any, what is tha kafara for him?