
Female taking care of males and serving them haraam food in a nursing home

Q: Are we allowed to work in a nursing home and serve residents haraam dinner, maybe take a tray of pork meat to the residents for dinner. Can we spoon feed them pork dinners. Can we also change males or help them with nursing. Can you kindly confirm as to whether we are allowed to bath and dress male residents and serve haraam meals to them. Will our wealth be haraam?

Authentication of a story

Q: I heard a story about a Sahaabiyah named Aslamiya. She was described as a person with medical knowledge learnt from her father and when she asked Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) if it was permissible for her to treat those in need, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that it was indeed permissible. It was also stated that she trained a number of other women to do the same. I would just like to verify the authenticity of this story.