husband's house

Using the wealth of someone who does not pay zakaat

Q: My husband does not pay zakah on his savings even after reminders that it is a fardh and the punishment of not fulfilling this fardh. My question is that he gives me momey for the maintenance of the house and for my needs and that of our children, is it sinful for me to use his money? I do fear that him not paying his zakah may bring a calamity (Allah Ta'ala forbid) on our family.

Gifting the house to the wife

Q: A man passed away leaving behind a wife and six children. In his lifetime, he contributed monthly towards a retirement fund, and whilst alive, he had written and signed that he had made his wife 100 % benefactor of this fund. In addition, he had a house in which his wife and children live. In his lifetime, he mentioned to his wife that 'this house is for you'. Does this fund and house form part of the inheritance to be distributed?

Husband taking the wife back after one talaaq

Q: My husband gave me 1 talak (no talak given earlier). I am staying at my parents home since 5 months.

1. Can I perform iddat period in my parents home after being given 1 talaq given by husband?

2. During iddat period, if the husband comes for rujju and I dont want to go back again, can I reject the rujju offer from my husband?

3. Can I do 2nd marriage after the iddat period?

4. Is the iddat period compulsory after 1 talak?

Marital problems

Q: Because my husband totally owns the house we live in for 34 years, does that mean according to Islam that I cannot invite my son and his family from a previous marriage to visit us or spend a night with us. Please help me here, I was told that it is my husband's house and he has the right to refuse them, but his family and friends have the right to visit and stay. That since it is his house, and even though we are married, have 2 kids, that he has the right to tell me that I can leave his house. Please advise me, this us causing me much depression.