
Will a muslim inherit from his non-muslim relative in a non-muslim country?

Q: What is the shar’ee ruling regarding inheritance between Muslims and non-Muslims? In other words, is it permissible for Muslims to inherit from non-Muslims and vice-versa? Similarly, will there be any difference in the ruling in a Muslim country and a non-Muslim country? Lately, I was informed by a friend that the law of Muslims and non-Muslims not inheriting from each other only applies in a Muslim country. My friend says that as far as a non-Muslim country is concerned, Muslims will inherit from non-Muslims but non-Muslims will not inherit from Muslims. Is this mas’alah correct? My friend had given some reference of a statement of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi (rahmatullahi alayh) mentioned in Imdaadul Ahkaam. Is this correct, that Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi (rahmatullahi alayh) had mentioned that Muslims residing in a non-Muslim country will inherit from the non-Muslims?

Distributing the estate on a percentage basis


1. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. Our estate was worked out on a percentage basis. The eldest brother getting the highest percentage and so on, and my sister was only given 1 percent. Is this distribution correct?

2. If not, then can mufti saheb please mention how the estate be distributed and how many shares will each heir receive. There are 4 brothers and 1 sister in total.

My father did not have any surviving parent neither a spouse.

3. Also, if the distribution that was done on percentage basis is not correct then one heir had taken the money of the other heir. So what should be done to rectify this?

Zakaat on an undistributed estate

Q: My dad passed away few days back. He left some property and valuables which my family (mother, brother and sisters) do not want to distribute for the time being. Now, how do we calculate zakaat on the property since the purchase price is known but the market price varies.

Do we have to pay zakaat on the house in which we are living?

My dad's office is still open but no major work is taking place since my dad was in a partnership with my uncle and he had given all his business (not office) to him and my uncle is working from there. I used to visit the office on a daily basis for a few minutes and then left for my office. So, do we have to pay zakaat on it also? 

We are using my dad's cars and other belongings of my dad, do we have to pay zakaat on these items and what value?

Also, we are giving charity from his belongings but which has more reward, sadaqah or khairaat?

Distributing properties of an estate that were put on different peoples names to avoid tax

Q: I am willing to distribute my inheritance. We are 2 brothers and 3 sisters. My father made some properties in his life and they were put on different peoples names like me, my wife, my brother and his wife and my mother. This was only done to avoid any kind of tax. There were also some properties on my father's name. I would like to ask which properties should we include in the estate when distributing between my sister, mother, brother and me?

Depriving an heir of his share in the inheritance

Q: My father passed away in Pakistan 8 years ago. He left 1 widow, 2 sons, 4 daughter and a property in the UK and Pakistan. 2 sons were from his 1 marriage.

Our mother passed away when we were very little. Our father married again when I, the eldest son was 8 years old. As per UK law everything goes to the legal wife after the death of a spouse.

After my fathers death I have requested for my share as everyone is enjoying my late fathers wealth. Can the stepmother who is holding on to everything exclude me from my right? As all others have ganged up on me.