
Uncle unjustly taking the business of his late brother

Q: My late father had a shop and suddenly he past away. We were 4 children and I was 3 at the time he passed away.

Now somehow without my mums knowledge, by taking her to a solicitors they transferred it to my uncles name. My mum doesn't know English well enough and was told she just needs to sign for something and in a way don't ask too many questions just sign it.

Now that I have grown up, my uncle had remortgaged the shop for £95,000 the value of the shop. When I bought the papers forward and told them this shop is off my mums name and why have you taken all the money out, there gave excuses like we did everything for you and we are your fathers.

After asking for the shop for the last ten years I was getting physical abuse as well as verbal. Just last year my uncle agreed to give the rent from the shop as it's on rent. He also made a letter saying all future rental wil go to my sister in law until he pays the shop off and give it back as a gift.

Now after a year I went down to collect the rent and the person who is renting the shop said your uncle came and took the rent and said not to give it to you and from now they will collect it.

Somebody approached my uncle and he is saying that my grandfather had paid for the shop for my father for that reason the shop belongs to them. What is the right thing to do?

Requiring sound proof when making a claim

Q: My late father had a piece of land in his name. My father had no will. According to my sister-in-law my late brother gave his share of the land to her verbally, one month before his demise. My late brother was sick, he had cancer of the blood and passed away within six months. The vacant land is not in our possession and is in my father’s name till date. I requested a copy of his will and witness to confirm the above claim and I was not successful. Please advise if my late brother can give his share not in his possession. Please advise the executors and administrators as to how my late brothers share of this land must be distributed (one wife and one brother). Your assistance will be appreciated.

Distributing an estate according to an unislamic will

Q: My mother passed away not long ago (my father died 20 years ago) and she left a will that her home was to be sold and the proceeds shared equally amongst us 4 siblings - 2 brothers and 2 sisters. However, one of my brothers said he is entitled to twice the share of us sisters (other brother agrees to equal shares). I asked my local imam and he said that if a will was not made then Islamic law would be put into effect but my mum was in sound mind when she made the will and there is no problem with sharing it equally amongst us. Is this correct?


Q: What will be a widow's share in father's Inheritance (virasat)? Is it like the same share of that like of a marreid daughter? That is half of a son. I am single daughter and 2 brothers. What is there in sharia?

Living in one's parents house after their demise

Q: If a person is living in his parents house and he has no resources to live somewhere else, so is it necessary in Islam to sell his parents house after their death? If he doesnt do that before getting financially stable, is there anything that his mother or father are getting gunah in the other world? I want to sell the house after some time just to ensure my mother or father is not getting any gunah for this? All my siblings have no problem with me living in the house.