
Usurping the share of a child's inheritance

Q: My mother died when I was 8-9 months old and my father married another woman and had 2 more sons. But before that, my mother's property was all sold or distributed among many but me. I wasn't given a single portion of the property. And they even kept all this a secret from me till now, I wasn't even told that my real mother had died.

My question is that is this according to Islam, are they right or justified? And Is the selling and distributing of my real mother's property to others without her will (as she died suddenly) right/justified?


Q: My question is about inheritance according to Islamic Shari'a law. I have a stepmother who has no kids, I have one brother and one sister. What would be the inheritance share from a deceased man in case of two sons, one daughter and wife (our step mother) who has no kids. Our mother died long time ago.

Distributing inheritance

Q: I've been mandated by the family to be their General Power of Attorney in the handling of the properties of our late father. The property in question is in Pakistan. My late brother, an heir, was a resident in the UK. I requested documents from his siblings in the UK, namely a General Power of Attorney, which they obliged with. However, the documents needed to be attested with the Foreign Office and the Pakistani Embassy in the UK. They have had the documents attested, but now they are refusing to send the documents back to me. Regrettably I've sent a letter of demand/return of documents to them, with no success. What should I do? 


Q: My friend is living in America. She was a divorcee with one daughter who lives with her father. Her mother is staying with her and is partly paralyzed. She has one brother who is living in Pakistan. Recently she was diagnosed with cancer. As in America, if you do not make a will then everything goes to the state so she married a Muslim man so that he could take care of her assets. I wanted to know by what percentage will her wealth be divided according to Islamic law?

Great sin of delaying in winding up the estate

Q: My father passed away approximately seven years ago. My brother was the appointed executor of the estate. However, until today, he refuses to wind up the estate. Over the years since my father's demise, my brother has continued to run the business and deal in the assets left by my father at his own discretion.

My questions are:

1. What is the current state of the estate and how should it now be distributed?

2. What are the powers of the executor? Can he deal in the assets of the estate (e.g. sell them) without the consent of the other heirs?