

Q: I have a question pertaining to inheritance. My father has no sons, no living parents, a living wife and living three daughters. What is the distribution? In addition, does my father's one living brother or 6 living sisters inherit as well?

Property distribution

Q: Property worth Rs 3150000/- INR has been sold by my dad. And now wants to distribute same among the family. Family includes Father, 1 Son and 2 daughters. Property to be distributed among 4 members. Please advise how much amount will be alloted to each one as per sharia law. 

Estate distribution

Q: My grandmother (fathers mother) passed away two weeks ago at age 86. May Allah grant her Jannatul Firdous. Aameen

With regards to the inheritance, she had made verbal bequests and had not made a written will. During her lifetime she had gifted her daughter her “share” of what was due i.e. money and jewellery and other items. She had continually mentioned to all the family members that she had given those items and the remainder of her possessions will stay in the house and is for my father. (She was a widow and lived with my parents). Subsequent to the death, my aunt is now wanting to claim other items. Please advise how we should handle the situation. Should we now distribute all the items the shariah way. They are just 2 siblings, one brother and one sister.

Distribution of the estate

Q: Could you please advise on the following situation.

A disabled widow passed away recently. She had 3 sons, 1 of which is deceased (has 1 son). During her life she had disowned both her living sons who caused her alot of grief due to their bad habits (drugs, gambling and fraud), which resulted in them stealing from her and being abusive towards her. One son is behind bars and the other is in the city but we are not familiar with his whereabouts. She had only 1 sibling, a sister and her family who saw to all her needs. We now need to sort out her estate but the will that she originally made was amended but is nowhere to be found at this point in time. In the amended will she had left 1/3 of her estate to her grandson (from her deceased son).

Please advise on how her estate should be divided.

1. The will

2. The house which is part of the deceased mother's trust and from which the deceased was receiving a monthly income.

3. Sorting/distribution of her personal belongings.


Q: My mother died 3 years ago. She had some property in her name. We recently sold it. Now I needed to know, how we divide the money according to Islamic rules. We are 4 people left 2 daughters (my sisters) 1 son (me) Husband (my father).


Q: My father and mother owned a business and they bought a house. My father passed away the business is closed. I have four sisters and me the only son I want to sell the house. How do I go about in giving their shares? Dose my mother get half the amount then split it sharia among my sisters and I or my mother gets 1.6 of the amount? The house was on both my parents names. Now my mother is the executor. I need to no what to do.

Distributing the estate of one's father

Q: I want to know about inheritance (wirasat) matter according to Islam. We are three brothers and one sister. My father has passed away and he left 2 lak Rupees in the bank. He wrote my name as a heir (waris) in the bank. He didn't verbally say or wrote anything at home stating that I am an heir (waris) in his bank balance. Do my brothers and sister have the right to divide the money among them? The bank does not want to give anybody the money except me since my name is written as an heir only.  

Winding up an estate

Q: I've got a question and situation pertaining to inheritance and estate.

My mother in-law has passed on and wasn't married ANC contract but rather in COP. Half the property goes to my father in-law. To make the winding up of the estate easy, the 3 brother's decided to legally put the entire property on my father in-laws name. Now that my father in-law wants the property to be sorted out, the issue is that the youngest brother and his wife live with my father in-law. The property is valued around R1.1 million. The youngest brother who isn't very stable wishes to buy the elder and middle brother's shares at 150k each as that's all he can afford and wishes to pay monthly whatever little he can afford. 

What's the correct shariah process to follow since it's on my father in-laws name legally? My husband wishes to just give the shares and say that don't pay monthly but whenever he has means later in life then he can give it to him. My husband himself doesn't own a property or anything so should he not accept his shares so that he can put it aside for hajj or as a deposit for our own house? Tomorrow if anything happens, my husband says I should go with my 3 kids to my parent's as he has nothing.

What should be done to please Allah and what process should be followed ? The father in-law does live with the youngest son that wants to buy the house but he is ever complaining about him and my sister in-law to us which isn't right at all.


Q: My husband passed away three weeks ago. How soon should his children tend to his will? I have no idea where he drew up his will. According to what I know his two daughters from his late wife were gifted all the properties except one as they were conceived out of wedlock. The other property I was told, I inherit an eighth. Is it not a quarter as his daughters are haraam? Also the said property has debt and so has the properties that he gifted to his children. Does the property I inherit from have to cover the debt of the properties his daughters were gifted and only after those debts are paid do I get my share?