
The Islamic shares of inheritance

Q: My situation is as follows: I have one brother who is seven years younger than me. Just a little more about us. I am married with three kids all under 5 years old. He is two years married and intend moving in with my parents soon but they plan on renovating it into a double story because they want their space and privacy and they want the upstairs section to be completely separate from the rest of the house, separate entrance, no access from main house to the upstairs etc. I have had a bit of an issue with this because I feel my brother is doing this to benefit off my parents in terms of saving on costs like water electricity etc because if he was serious about taking 'care' of my parents, why does he want everything to be so completely separate from my parents? Why not just buy a separate house? He says he is going to pay for the renovating of that part of the house but knowing him, he will probably seek assistance from my father as well if he runs short. My dad has in the past been paying a lot of his expenses, all his wedding expenses, furniture for his current apartment, and recently last September when he and his wife went with my parents for hajj as well, my father paid for his haj as well. he qualified as a chartered accountant last year and is only recently been earning a CA salary. The 5 years before this he was doing his articles and earning very little. I don't think my dad is going to establish a will so if he doesn't, my question is, should my parents pass on one day before us, what happens to the house? Does my brother just inherit it all because he is going to be living in the house?


Q: My grandmother is dead and the entire estate is in my grandfathers grip. During my grandfathers life time he stated that after his death his two factories would be inherited by his 3 sons and out of the 2 houses one to the sons and one to 2 daughters. He even gifted them plots And always helped the children with money. Wasn't that unfair or unjust towards the daughters. And actually the sons earn from that business and live in that house. So, whats the masaail would it be ok if the daughters forgive my grandfather and their brothers.


Q: We have an issue of distributing land amongst our family. My Grand mother died. She had 4 daughters and 1 son. The son died before her death, So according to islam is their any distribution of land amongst the family of her deceased son or not. I mean how could the whole land be divided by 4 daughters and the children of the deceased son. Remember the son died before my grand mother death. thanks for your precious time and consideration.


Q: My question is my father put the house in mortgage to the bank. One year later he passed away. The loan amount was equal to the house value. No money was paid back to the bank. The bank kept asking for money for several years and finally they sent a letter to possess and auction the property. We were about to lose the house. During that time I came to USA and was able to pay the bank and got the house back from the bank. I allowed my married sister to live on the 1st floor of the house for no rental money, since we all came to USA including my mom and 2 brothers. For few years my mom took the 2nd floor rental income. But after that my sister started to use the rental income for her family. She used the rental income for 20 years. My question is that when I paid for the house to the bank, does the house belong to me or it should be divided according to the Islamic law. I don't want to do injustice to any of my 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Please advise thank you.


Q: My question is my father passed away. He left a house, his car, assests and business. My mom is still alive and I am the only daugther. It is only the two of us. My mom says all the inheritance is for her alone. Is this true?

Distributing the estate according to Shari'ah

Q: My elder brother passed away in 2012 aboard. He was married in 1997. But from the 20th till his death they living separate. They don't have any kids. His wife wants to stay independent from our family. Now after his death she comes to us and asking for all his properties which he gave us to handle. We told her what Shar'iah told, we are ready for that but she told us we are Indian. She wants Indian law as here for Hindus. What does Shar'iah say about  this matter? Please advise.

Making a bequest for an heir

Q: I have been adopted by my maternal aunt as my mother died seven days after my birth. I inherited property (first order inheritance) and nothing from my own father side. Now that I am married and have two daughters elder one being married and younger one still studying. Can I make a will for the distribution of this property between my wife and the two daughters after my death?